Chapter 18.8- Not the Ending But An Ending
Blurb about the age
(Age lasted from February 2th, 2020 to May 3rd, 2020)
Last Battle
The Shadow is Victorious!
Contestant | Score |
Shadow | 123,451 |
Light | 111,006 |
Cities that Fell and their Rulers:
- Amador - The White Tower
- Cairhien - The Chosen
- Fal Dara - The Chosen
- Far Madding - The Infernals
- Jehannah - Manetheren
- Rhuidean - The Chosen
- Tear - The Infernals
- Thakan’dar - The Chosen
Remaining Cities and their Rulers:
- Bandar Eban - The Seanchan Empire
- Caemlyn - The Black Tower
- Cantorin - The Infernals
- Chachin - The Infernals
- Ebou Dar - Children of the Light
- Edmond’s Field - Mantheren
- Falme - The Seanchan Empire
- Illian - The Infernals
- Lugard - The Infernals
- Maradon - Manetheren
- Mayene - The Infernals
- Salidar - The Black Tower
- Shol Arbela - Badgerian Grove
- Stedding Shangtai - The Infernals
- Tanchico - The Seanchan Empire
- Tar Valon - Badgerian Grove
High Lords and Ladies
Those who achieved the Net Worth rank of High Lord or High Lady during the age.
Those who lost their fortune during the Last Battle will remain on the list, but their names will be stricken.
- Lord Daniel Thor
- Lord Lacus Clyne
- Lady Amelia Paendrag
- Lord Kira Yamato
- Lady Meyrin Hawke
- Lord Athrun Zala
- Lady Pigcat Kitten
Lord Andorius Ethellen
The following is a list of all the clans that had a presence in the age.
- The Infernals - 24 members - 472,013 global ji
- The Black Tower - 23 members - 263,145 global ji
- Legion of Muriels - 20 members - 44,516 global ji
- The Chosen - 18 members - 136,825 global ji
- The Legion of the Dragon - 18 members - 65,491 global ji
- Badgerian Grove - 13 members - 170,726 global ji
- Manetheren - 13 members - 102,776 global ji
- The Forsaken - 12 members - 101,224 global ji
- The Seanchan Empire - 11 members - 155,830 global ji
- The Golden Crane - 9 members - 103,589 global ji
- Children of the Light - 9 members - 77,623 global ji
- Shen an Calhar - 7 members - 50,863 global ji
- Knights of the Golden Rose - 6 members - 52,480 global ji
- The Golden Company - 6 members - 23,889 global ji
- The Brothers of Strife - 4 members - 568 global ji
- When Naomi met Sallie - 3 members - 51,223 global ji
- Heroes of the Horn - 3 members - 22,295 global ji
- Gleemans Guild - 3 members - 10,968 global ji
- Starlight Crusaders - 2 members - 7,303 global ji
- Flight Club - 1 member - 160 global ji
- Bethesda - 1 member - 0 global ji
These are the final standings for the in game Titles
- Hero of the Horn: Nyein DinMisieri
- Most Experience
- Nyein DinMisieri (71,673)
- Andorius Ethellen (70,801)
- Dazen Lightbringer (70,417)
- Hero of Honor: Andorius Ethellen
- Most Ji
- Andorius Ethellen (9,229)
- Nathan Allen (6,302)
- Duncan Bashere (6,138)
- Hero of Legends: Andorius Ethellen
- Most Achievements
- Andorius Ethellen (152)
- Duncan Bashere (146)
- Athrun Zala (124)
- Hero of the Light: Daniel Thor
- Highest Positive Alignment
- Danel Thor (7,838)
- Amelia Paendrag (7,826)
- Lacus Clyne (7,269)
- Hero of the Shadow: Gregor Valehas
- Highest Negative Alignment
- Gregor Valehas (-7,784)
- Zane Zoranthor (-7,255)
- Brendan Brimstone (-7,093)
- Tourney Hero: Andorius Ethellen
- Most Tournament Wins
- Andorius Ethellen (3)
- Duncan Bashere (2)
- Athrun Zala (1)
- Great Captain: Nyein DinMisieri
- Most wins
- Nyein DinMisieri (4,407)
- Jax Cromwell (4,403)
- Laric Darkspell (4,394)
- Master Duelist: Andorius Ethellen
- Most Duel Wins
- Andorius Ethellen (2,287)
- Nyein DinMisieri (2,115)
- Randal AlCair (1,724)
- Master Soldier: Andorius Ethellen
- Most Wins vs. Enemies
- Andorius Ethellen (2,136)
- Nyein DinMisieri (2,052)
- Randal AlCair (1,384)
- Master Traitor: Ping Cat
- Most Wins vs. Allies
- Ping Cat (136)
- Duncan Bashere (34)
- Rollond Redmond (9)
- Master Aggressor: Andorius Ethellen
- Most Offensive Wins
- Andorius Ethellen (2,038)
- Nyein DinMisieri (1,961)
- Randal AlCair (1,550)
- Master Explorer: Laric Darkspell
- Most Wins vs. NPCs
- Laric Darkspell (4,351)
- Jax Cromwell (4,349)
- Frank Firestarter (4,342)
- Horde Smasher: Sallie Daera
- Most Wins vs Hordes
- Sallie Daera (1,283)
- Naomi Anan (1,271)
- Dazen Lightbringer (1,255)
- Army Slayer: Coreer Alexandria
- Most Wins vs Armies
- Coreer Alexandria (592)
- Gregor Valehas (525)
- Tomar Baelthen (407)
NPC Types
- Slayer of the Shadow: Takeshi Mavenon
- Most Wins vs. NPCs
- Takeshi Mavenon (2,521)
- Sammata Lightsbane (1,882)
- Conn Khromsblood (1,731)
- Slayer of Soldiers: Raoul Dahl
- Most Wins vs. Military
- Raoul Dahl (1,623)
- Beladia Dahl (1,557)
- Jon alJenn (1,513)
- Slayer of Ruffians: Broderick Limes
- Most Wins vs. Ruffians
- Broderick Limes (1,499)
- Jyk Vadere (1,443)
- Jon alJenn (1,427)
- Slayer of Channelers: Cinder Darkmore
- Most Wins vs. Channelers
- Cinder Darkmore (1,233)
- Draegan Shadowlord (1,206)
- Brendan Brimstone (1,192)
- Slayer of Animals: Gregor Valehas
- Most Wins vs. Animals
- Gregor Valehas (1,387)
- Jack Reacher (1,197)
- Laric Darkspell (1,191)
- Slayer of Exotics: Daniel Thor
- Most Wins vs. Exotics
- Daniel Thor (2,236)
- Athrun Zala (2,178)
- Kira Yamato (2,134)
- Legendary Adventurer: Nathan Allen
- Most Quests Completed
- Nathan Allen (821)
- Andorius Ethellen (737)
- Allen Nathan (415)
- Legendary Protector: Andorius Ethellen
- Most NPC Quests Completed
- Andorius Ethellen (95)
- Nathan Allen (94)
- Khaladin Stormblessed (58)
- Legendary Tracker: Nathan Allen
- Most Find Quests Completed
- Nathan Allen (46)
- Nikhaj Hadrados (39)
- Izza BlackThorne (34)
- Legendary Slayer: Nathan Allen
- Most Horde Quests Completed
- Nathan Allen (218)
- Khaladin Stormblessed (107)
- Allen Nathan (103)
- Legendary Guardian: Nathan Allen
- Most Escort Quests Completed
- Nathan Allen (55)
- Khaladin Stormblessed (53)
- Nikhaj Hadrados (37)
- Legendary Trader: Andorius Ethellen
- Most Item Quests Completed
- Andorius Ethellen (503)
- Nathan Allen (407)
- Daniel Thor (276)
- Legendary Samaritan: Andorius Ethellen
- Most Player Quests Completed
- Andorius Ethellen (29)
- Rollond Redmond (20)
- Duncan Bashere (15)
- Legendary Recruiter: Maer Varna
- Most of your Own Quests Completed
- Maer Varna (19)
- Andorius Ethellen (18)
- Matrim AlTheran (13)
Pre Last Battle Coin
- Most Prosperous: Daniel Thor
- Highest Net Worth
- Daniel Thor (5435g, 68s, 86c)
- Lacus Clyne (4375g, 14s, 58c)
- Amelia Paendrag (4168g, 43s, 33c)
- Master Entrepreneur: Daniel Thor
- Highest Business Value
- Daniel Thor (1854g, 46s, 7c)
- Kira Yamato (1630g, 8s, 44c)
- Lacus Clyne (1605g, 5s, 22c)
- Skilled Governor: Andorius Ethellen
- Highest Estate Value
- Andorius Ethellen (2051g, 20s, 60c)
- Daniel Thor (1839g, 56s, 41c)
- Lacus Clyne (1831g, 42s, 40c)
Post Last Battle Coin
- Heaviest Purse: Nicomo Cosca
- Most Coin on Hand
- Nicomo Cosca (78g, 64s, 68c)
- Miie Tei (71g, 10s, 41c)
- Shan AnDival (69g, 2s, 88c)
- Most Thrifty: Amelia Paendrag
- Most Coin in the Bank
- Amelia Paendrag (1027g, 54s, 96c)
- Daniel Thor (996g, 17s, 32c)
- Kira Yamato (988g, 38s, 67c)
- Biggest Donor: Andorius Ethellen
- Most Coin Donated
- Andorius Ethellen (968g, 49s, 5c)
- Nyein DinMisieri (800g, 80s, 64c)
- Daniel Thor (761g, 0s, 42c)
- Most Prosperous: Daniel Thor
- Highest Net Worth
- Daniel Thor (4338g, 36s, 28c)
- Lacus Clyne (4146g, 58s, 94c)
- Kira Yamato (3838g, 29s, 99c)
- Master Entrepreneur: Daniel Thor
- Highest Business Value
- Daniel Thor (1687g, 91s, 62c)
- Lacus Clyne (1685g, 25s, 99c)
- Kira Yamato (1681g, 61s, 57 c)
- Skilled Governor: Andorius Ethellen
- Highest Estate Value
- Andorius Ethellen (1805g, 82s, 6c)
- Daniel Thor (1651g, 1s, 97c)
- Lacus Clyne (1523g, 47s, 42c)
- Top Mercenary: Andorius Ethellen
- Most Duel Earnings
- Andorius Ethellen (3231g 29s 57c)
- Duncan Bashere (1484g 4s 95c)
- Nyein DinMisieri (944g 24s 77c)
- High Roller: Daniel Thor
- Most Gambling Earnings
- Daniel Thor (89g 69s 0c)
- Gregor Valehas (21g 17s 80c)
- Juin Lacel (16g 81s 0c)
- Master Merchant: Jack Reacher
- Most Merchant Earnings
- Jack Reacher (1645g 48s 15c)
- Jyk Vadere (1165g 73s 42c)
- Khaladin Stormblessed (1064g 64s 14c)
- Professional Adventurer: Nathan Allen
- Most Quests Earnings
- Nathan Allen (6774g 94s 61c)
- Daniel Thor (4346g 71s 34c)
- Lacus Clyne (3995g 73s 30c)
- Most Professional: Amelia Paendrag
- Most Business Earnings
- Amelia Paendrag (1902g 31s 66c)
- Daniel Thor (1754g 44s 88c)
- Lacus Clyne (1493g 46s 2c)
- Champion of the Waste:Cinder Darkmore
- Top Aiel
- Cinder Darkmore (66,990)
- Nathan Allen (41,639)
- Damien Kaleesi (37,908)
- Champion of the Leopards:Fane Black
- Top Altaran
- Fane Black (66,988)
- Naomi Anan (63,661)
- Jaken Trayetheo (62,419)
- Champion of the Thistle and Star:Dak Deathblade
- Top Amadician
- Dak Deathblade (66,700)
- Randal AlCair (60,994)
- Nikhaj Hadrados (47,493)
- Champion of the White Lion:Talion Greystone
- Top Andoran
- Talion Greystone (66,811)
- Zane Zoranthor (66,702)
- Hansur Taliana (61,178)
- Champion of the Roses:Chaim Tonai
- Top Arafellin
- Chaim Tonai (52,667)
- Cutlatch Mor (45,042)
- Claidheamh Mor (24,043)
- Champion of the Waves:Nyein DinMisieri
- Top Atha'an Miere
- Nyein DinMisieri (71,673)
- Geoff Nightwalker (64,832)
- Daryn Foesbane (53,115)
- Champion of the Sun:Grollo Giantsbane
- Top Cairhienen
- Grollo Giantsbane (66,841)
- Broderick Limes (65,330)
- Khaladin Stormblessed (58,883)
- Champion of the Sword and Hand:Jyk Vadere
- Top Domani
- Jyk Vadere (65,458)
- Lacus Clyne (63,171)
- Jarlaxel Baenre (58,423)
- Champion of the Silver Stars:Draven Diablos
- Top Ghealdanin
- Draven Diablos (66,756)
- Sallie Daera (63,939)
- Matrim alTheran (55,092)
- Champion of the Golden Bees:Dazen Lightbringer
- Top Illianer
- Dazen Lightbringer (70,417)
- Nicolai Domon (68,261)
- Laric Darkspell (66,975)
- Champion of the Red Horse:Aballister Bonaduce
- Top Kandori
- Aballister Bonaduce (58,490)
- Artemis Entreri (58,467)
- Pigcat Kitten (57,637)
- Champion of the Red Bull:Gregor Valehas
- Top Murandian
- Gregor Valehas (67,193)
- Xander TheTreacherous (66,837)
- Jack Reacher (64,798)
- Champion of the Stedding:Andorius Ethellen
- Top Ogier
- Andorius Ethellen (70,801)
- Nicholas Haust (66,380)
- Jora SonOfHu (66,211)
- Champion of the Silver Fish:Stefan Crowley
- Top Saldaean
- Stefan Crowley (66,365)
- Daniel Thor (64,159)
- Izza BlackThorne (57,598)
- Champion of the Nine Moons:Brendan Brimstone
- Top Seanchan
- Brendan Brimstone (67,082)
- Gosin Yamada (66,483)
- Amelia Paendrag (64,804)
- Champion of the Black Hawk:Draegan Shadowlord
- Top Shienaran
- Draegan Shadowlord (66,891)
- Takeshi Mavenon (62,623)
- Maer Varna (62,478)
- Champion of the Crescent Moons:Jax Cromwell
- Top Tairen
- Jax Cromwell (66,988)
- Tomar Baelthen (33,266)
- Allen Nathan (25,378)
- Champion of the Golden Tree:Duncan Bashere
- Top Taraboner
- Duncan Bashere (67,230)
- Frank Firestarter (67,103)
- Kira Yamato (64,097)
- Clan of Honor:The Infernals
- Most Ji
- The Infernals (471,825)
- The Black Tower (263,145)
- Badgerian Grove (170,498)
- Clan of the Masses:The Infernals
- Most Members
- The Infernals (24)
- The Black Tower (23)
- Legion of Muriels (20)
- Hero of Power:The Infernals
- Most Cities
- The Infernals (6)
- The Seanchan Empire (3)
- The Black Tower (2)
- Clan of Wealth:The Infernals
- Most Coin
- The Infernals (4903g, 85s, 33c)
- The Seanchan Empire (2636g, 74s, 84c)
- Badgerian Grove (2224g, 82s, 95c)