Game Settings

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Revision as of 18:10, 19 March 2017 by KR (talk | contribs) (Updated for v15)
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The game settings can be found in the lower left part of the profile page, or under your character's menu on the navbar.

Offsite Avatar URL: Players can change their avatar image to an offsite image of their choice (keep it family friendly though). Enter a direct-link to an image here and it will be shown as your avatar in the profile page (include http:// in front). Avatars will be resized proportionally to fit in a 500x325 area.

Currently supported image types: .gif, .jpg, .png.

Leaving or setting this form field to be blank will give you the default Net Worth based avatar for your gender and nationality.

Change Password: Changes your password, assuming you enter your current password and the new one (twice for confirmation).

Character information: You can include a short statement about your character. It can be backstory, battle-cry, a sarcastic comment etc. Just keep it civil and let your inner RPer out.

Update settings: Click this after you've changed something to apply the changes. You don't have to change everything (you can just enter a new avatar-URL and leave the password fields blank or vice versa).

Kill Character: Did your character lose that last duel in a tournament? Did he fail to find that NPC on time? Or did he try to cozy up to your girlfriend? Here you can punish that character properly — just remember that death is final. If you're really sure, type in your password and the email address that you used to register and press the button. Then laugh an evil laugh — and hope the Dark One doesn't feel the need to resurrect the character.

Updated for v17[edit]