Currently a work in progress by KR. Will finish tomorrow.
As you battle NPCs in the Wilderness areas, you may pick up items if you win. These will be placed in your inventory. To access these items and your equipped gear, go to the Inventory page by clicking the shield and crossed weapons icon.
This page is divided into three tabs.
- Equipment
- Shows the currently equipped items and allows you to change them via drop down lists for each equipment slot.
- Shows the current stats from your equipped gear
- Inventory
- Shows a list of all weapons, armor and Ter'Angreal in your inventory, and their state of repair.
- Allows you to Sell items. (If in a city.)
- Allows you to Cache or Uncache items
- Allows you to Donate items to your clan vault. (If you are in a clan.)
- Allows you to Drop items. (If in a Wilderness area.)
- Allows you to send items to your estate. (If in a wilderness area in which you own an estate.)
, which is Once your inventory is full, go to a City where you can choose to either sell, or repair the items. You can repair the items by visiting a Blacksmith. You can choose to keep the items, and equip them for more battles, or sell them for 50% of their value. To sell the items, go into your inventory, and click the inventory tab. Select the items you wish to sell, and click the Sell button on the bottom of the page. You can also choose donate the items to you clan's vault by selecting the items, and clicking the Donate to Vault button, if you're in a clan. You do not receive money for donating items to your Clan. Items can only be sold in Cities, but if you don't want to make a trip into the city, but still wish to remove unwanted items from your inventory, you can choose to drop items from your inventory in the Wilderness areas.
Each item costs a certain number of equip point to use and a player can only use so many equip points at a time. A player also cannot use any item that uses more than half their total number of equip points. Players earn more equip points when they Level up.
Updated for Version 11