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In Progress

NPCs (or non-player characters) are computer genetated enemies your character can battle.

NPC Types

  • Shadowspawn
  • Animals
  • Military
  • Exotic Animals
  • Channeler
  • Ruffians

NPCs players encounter throughout Randland will come from one of the types listed above. These types only matter when facing a favored or unfavored NPC class that is based on the player's nationality.

The table below is a list for the various kinds of NPCs you may encounter and the various stats they are likely to have. The higher their levels the stronger the stats.


Name Damage% Skill 1 Skill 2 Skill 3
Jumara 50% +x% health gain +x taint +x-2x damage
Darkhound 30% +x poison +x taint +2x% defense
Trolloc 70% +2x% damage +x taint +2x% damage
Draghkar 50% +x stun +x taint +x/3 wound
Myrddraal 60% +x stun +x dodge +x taint
Gholam 60% +x dodge +x/3 wound +x dodge
Grayman 50% +x dodge +x poison +x taint


Name Damage% Skill 1 Skill 2 Skill 3
Bear 60% +2x% damage +x accuracy +x-2x damage
Capar 50% +x dodge +2x% defense +x-2x defense
Wolf 60% +2x% defense +x accuracy +x first strike
Gara 60% +x poison +x stun +x2x% damage
Lion 60% +x first strike +2x% damage +x dodge
Blacklance 50% +x poison +x/3 speed +x poison


Name Damage% Skill 1 Skill 2 Skill 3
Merchant Guard 30% +2x% defense +x% health gain +x-2x defense
Whitecloak 40% +2x% defense +2x% damage +2x% defense
Aiel 60% +x dodge +x accuracy +x first strike
Warder 60% +x accuracy +x dodge +x stun
Soldier 50% +2x% damage +2x% defense +x accuracy
Seachan 60% +2x% damage +2x% defense +2x% damage

Exotic Animals

Name Damage% Skill 1 Skill 2 Skill 3
S'redit 60% +x stun +2x% defense +x stun
Torm 45% +x dodge +2x% defense +x dodge
Lopar 50% +2x% damage +2x% defense +x% health gain
Grolm 60% +x% health gain +2x% damage +2x% damage
To'raken 65% +x accuracy +2% damage +x/3 speed
Corlm 55% +x accuracy +2x% damage +x accuracy
Raken 65% +x dodge +x/3 speed +x dodge


Name Damage% Skill 1 Skill 2 Skill 3
Black Ajah 35% +2x% defense +x taint +x/3 speed
Aes Sedai 35% +2x% defense +x dodge +x/3 speed
Dreadlord 65% +x taint +2x% damage +x/3 wound
Asha'man 65% +x accuracy +2x% damage +x/3 wound
Damane 65% +x first strike +2x% damage +x accuracy
Mad Male
80% +x taint +3x% damage
+x% damage to self
+x taint


Name Damage% Skill 1 Skill 2 Skill 3
Bandit 60% +x dodge +2x% defense +x poison
Darkfriend 50% +x dodge +2x% damage +2x% defense
Dragonsworn 75% +x first strike +2x% damage +x poison
Pirate 60% +x stun +2x% damage +x accuracy
Wolfbrother 70% +x accuracy +3x% damage
+x% damage to self
+x accuracy
80% +2x% damage +3x% damage
+x% damage to self
+x-2x damage