Battle Track

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Intro To NPC Quests

  • Defeat 5 Trollocs in the Field of Merrilor
NPC Quests are quests that require you to kill a certain number of NPCs in a specified wilderness area.
To complete the quest, follow these steps:
  1. Travel to Field of Merrilor.
  2. Click the "Hunt" button to duel a Trolloc.
  3. After defeating 5 trollocs, go to your quests page and click "submit."

Bonus Tip: In addition to completing an achievement, you'll also get a Leveled Ter'angreal as a reward. It is a good idea to save this item for the next quest.

Inventory and Stamina Management

Intro to Horde Quests

Intro to Escort Quests

Give Tasks to Others

Intro to Find Quests

Intro to Item Quests

Final Test