Clan Battles
In Progress
Clan battles are set up similar to Tournaments, except instead of being between individuals, they are between clans. Battles are a way to help take control of a city, so one of the two clans involved will be the ruler of a city.
Declaring a Battle
In order to challenge the ruling clan for control of a city, the challenger must meet the following requirements:
- They must be enemies with the ruling clan.
- The attacking clan must have a Clan Office in the target city.
- They must have at least 50% of the Ji in the target city as the ruling clan. So if the ruling clan has 2000 Ji, a clan must have at least 1000 Ji of their own. This prevents frivolous attacks from clans that barely have 100 Ji when the ruler is way our of their league.
- They must have 10% of the coin of the City Bank in their Clan Bank when they declare the attack. So if there's 100 gold in the City's bank, the attacking clan must have 10 gold in their clan bank. This coin is taken upon declaring the attack and will be put into the Town bank at the end of the battle, regardless of who wins.
- They must not be the aggressor in any clan battle that is either ongoing or has finished in the last 24 hours. (But if you rule multiple cities, more than one of them could be attacked by multiple clans at once)
Preparation Time
If a clan meets all these requirements, they can declare their attack on the city from the City Hall page. There will be a 24 hour period from the declaration of the attack to start of the battle. During this time, control of the city can still changed, but when the battle starts, it is locked in with the current ruler. The ruling clan can still spend coin from the city bank on City Upgrades. This is also the time to find allies who are willing to support your clan.
Also during this time, any other eligible clan may declare an attack on the city as well, turning the battle into a 3 or more way battle! So if the Legion of the Dragon decides to attack The White Tower for control of Tar Valon, the DIVAS could decide they want to join in the fun too. Makes the whole thing more chaotic, but higher reward for the winner. Only one side can win, so 2 clans can't gang up on another. If you want to help a clan, support them.
Any clan supporting one of the main clans (the ruling clan or one that has declared an attack) when the battle starts will be locked in with their support and cannot change until the battle is over. The actions of members of any supporting clan will be counted towards the clan they are supporting during the war, but also be more valuable targets than bystanders so some clans may decide it's not worth supporting you anymore. All points earned by supporting clans will only be 50% of what a member of the main clans will get, but every little bit helps.
Battle Period
Once the 24 hour Preparation Time is over, the battle begins. It will last for another 24 hours. All battles (Duels and NPCs) in the city and the 4 surrounding wilderness areas, by all members of the main clans and any clan that supports them, will have an effect on the result. Each battle will be weighted slightly differently with some battles being worth more than others. For instance, a duel against a member of the main opposing clan inside the town itself, will earn you more points than a battle against an NPC in one of the surrounding wildernesses.
You can earn points for your clan or allies in a couple ways. To see the current score, go to the City where the battle is, and click the yellow Clan Battle link in the middle of the page. Below is an example of a clan battle score.
Note: The numbers in this table are made up, but still convey the point. They will be replaced by a real battle example at a later date.
Contestant | Ji at Risk | Score | Total From | |||
Duels | NPCs | Support | Participation | |||
Silver Legion | 2000 | 14071 | 305 | 4310 | 1456 | 8000 |
Emerald Collective | 2200 | 12942 | 2247 | 3872 | 823 | 6000 |
Duels and NPCs
(Offensive only)
When completing a duel or an NPC battle in the City with the battle, or any wilderness next to it, you'll receive a score. These points are the main part of each battle. Below is how the points are calculated.
Note: These are used for both NPCs and Duels, but Duels have more points potential.
- -5 to +5 points from health difference:
- = ((attacker % health remaining)- (defender % health remaining))/20
- -5 to +5 points from strength difference:
- = ((attacker strength)- (defender strength))/20
- -4 to +4 points from battle outcome:
- = +4 for win; -4 for loss (half if in wilderness)
- -4 to +4 points if a duel:
- = +4 for win; -4 for loss
- -2 to +2 points if defender is member of other side:
- = +2 for win; -2 for loss (half if supporting)
- -2 to +2 points if defender is leader of other side (main clan only, not supporter):
- = +2 for win; -2 for loss (half if subleader)
- No points awarded for battling on the same side (including Support players that are on your side).
- If you are in a supporting clan, you only earn 50% of the points a member of one of the main clans earn for the same battle. (so all the points from the above divided by 2, rounded to the nearest point).
Participation Points
In addition to battle points, people can earn points just by participating. Instead of hiding during the battle, people can instead stick around and earn their side points.
Here's how participation will work now:
Every 15 minutes during battle (every quarter hour), the code determines the location of each member of the main clans in the battle. If the member is in the target city or one of the 4 surrounding wilderness areas and has not moved for 15 minutes, that member earns participation points for their clan. The amount of points that player earns is determined using the following formula:
Participation points = (participating character's level)/(sum of the levels of all players in that clan) x 200
A couple other factors: - If the player is in a clan leader, they earn an additional 10 points. Subleaders earn an extra 5. - If the player is in a wilderness area they only earn half the points they would in a city. - No player can earn more than 100 points in a 15 minute period. - Each player earns at least 1 point in wilderness area. 2 if they are in a city. - No clan can earn more than 200 participation points an hour.
If that's too complicated, here's a simplified version: If you are in a main clan in the battle and you stay in the city of the battle or the surrounding period for a 15 minute period, you earn participation points for your clan. The higher your level, the more points you earn. If your clan's already earned 200 points for that hour, you can't earn any more.
To make it easier to track, I will be displaying 2 more piece of info on the clan battle page: The total number of clan battle points earned by each clan so far that hour (at the hour change, it will say how much was earned last hour) and the sum of the level of all players in each clan.
Let's give some examples: - Alcar is a level 100 clan leader in the NVS. The sum of NVS members levels is 800. If he spends a full quarter hour in the clan battle city, he'll earn 35 participation points for his clan ((100 / 800) x 200 + 10). - Rhael is a level 50 subleader of NVS and spends a quarter hour in a wilderness around the city. He earns 8.75 points (((50 / 800) x 200 + 5)/2). - Rasina is a level 100 leader of Ronin on the other side of the battle. The sum of Ronin members is 150. If he spends a full quarter hour in the clan battle city, she would earns 143.3 points ((100/150)x200 +10), but since that's more than 100, all she gets is the 100 points. - King Richard is a puny level 1 play in NVS parked in a wilderness area. He would earn 0.125 points, but since that's less than 1 he at least earns 1 point.