Battle Track

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Get Ready For Battle

You should never go into battle without being prepared.

  • Use 2 Skill Points
Skills are very important to battling in GoS. They add extra stats that allow you to be competitive. You will have to invest Skill Points into skills before you get any stats from them though. More skill points are given each time you level.
To complete this part of the quest, follow these steps:
  1. Navigate to your character's menu on the navbar and click the skills link.
  2. Go to your starting class or weapon focus tab and choose a skill to increase. Note: The top row, or the blue skills, of these and all other classes are passive, meaning they are always on if you invest points in them. The lower, various colored skills cannot be invested in until the passives above them are. They are also called active skills, meaning they must be activated by clicking the 'Activate' button to be on. You only have a few active spots available at lower levels, so choose wisely. For more on how this works, be sure to read the Skills page.
  3. Click the 'Upgrade' button on the skills you've chosen. Note: The cost to upgrade to the next level goes up each time you upgrade that skill.

Bonus Tip: Your reward for doing this will be an extra Skill Point. Don't forget to use that as well.

  • Use 1 Active Skills
As mentioned above, active skills must be activated and there is a limit on how many you can have. Each player starts with 3 spots for Active skills and gets one more for every 15 levels their character is.
To complete this part of the quest, follow these steps:
  1. If you invested in an active skill on your starting or weapon classes, click the green 'Activate' button below it. If you did not, go to your Alignment skills tab and select one or more of them.

Bonus Tip: Make sure you use all your available active slots before you move on.

  • Defeat 1 NPCs
Non-player Characters, or NPCs are a big part of the game. You'll run into them in the Wilderness Areas of the game and can battle them for experience and to find items.
To complete this part of the quest, follow these steps:
  1. Using the Travel Menu on the navbar, navigate to any wilderness area.
  2. Click the 'Explore' button. A battle will run using 1 of your Turns. Your turn counter can be found by the sword icon on your status bar at the top of your screen.
  3. Repeat as needed until you defeat your first NPC.

Recover From Battle

  • Repair 1 Items

  • Use 1 Consumable Items

Intro To NPC Quests

  • Defeat 5 Trollocs in the Field of Merrilor
NPC Quests are quests that require you to kill a certain number of NPCs in a specified wilderness area.
To complete the quest, follow these steps:
  1. Travel to Field of Merrilor.
  2. Click the "Hunt" button to duel a Trolloc.
  3. After defeating 5 trollocs, go to your quests page and click "submit."

Bonus Tip: In addition to completing an achievement, you'll also get a Leveled Ter'angreal as a reward. It is a good idea to save this item for the next quest.

Inventory and Stamina Management

  • Combine 1 Items with Terangreal
  • Sell 1 Equipment Item
  • Drop 1 Equipment Items
  • Rent 1 Room from an Inn

Intro to Horde Quests

  • Defeat the group of Bandits in Aryth Ocean.

Intro to Escort Quests

  • Escort the Green Man from Mayene to Lugard

Give Tasks to Others

  • Create 1 Quest

Intro to Find Quests

  • Find and defeat the Green Man's Soldier in Braem Wood.

Reward: Sword

Intro to Item Quests

  • Bring 1 Swords (Any prefix or suffix) to Illian

Final Test

  • Defeat Green Man 1 time to collect the bounty.

Updated for v16