Battle Track

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Get Ready For Battle

You should never go into battle without being prepared.

  • Use 2 Skill Points
Skills are very important to battling in GoS. They add extra stats that allow you to be competitive. You will have to invest Skill Points into skills before you get any stats from them though. More skill points are given each time you level.
To complete this part of the quest, follow these steps:
  1. Navigate to your character's menu on the navbar and click the skills link.
  2. Go to your starting class or weapon focus tab and choose a skill to increase. Note: The top row, or the blue skills, of these and all other classes are passive, meaning they are always on if you invest points in them. The lower, various colored skills cannot be invested in until the passives above them are. They are also called active skills, meaning they must be activated by clicking the 'Activate' button to be on. You only have a few active spots available at lower levels, so choose wisely. For more on how this works, be sure to read the Skills page.
  3. Click the 'Upgrade' button on the skills you've chosen. Note: The cost to upgrade to the next level goes up each time you upgrade that skill.

Bonus Tip: Your reward for doing this will be an extra Skill Point. Don't forget to use that as well.

  • Use 1 Active Skills
As mentioned above, active skills must be activated and there is a limit on how many you can have. Each player starts with 3 spots for Active skills and gets one more for every 15 levels their character is.
To complete this part of the quest, follow these steps:
  1. If you invested in an active skill on your starting or weapon classes, click the green 'Activate' button below it. If you did not, go to your Alignment skills tab and select one or more of them.

Bonus Tip: Make sure you use all your available active slots before you move on.

  • Defeat 1 NPCs
Non-player Characters, or NPCs are a big part of the game. You'll run into them in the Wilderness Areas of the game and can battle them for experience and to find items.
To complete this part of the quest, follow these steps:
  1. Using the Travel Menu on the navbar, navigate to any wilderness area.
  2. Click the 'Explore' button. A battle will run using 1 of your Turns. Your turn counter can be found by the sword icon on your status bar at the top of your screen.
  3. Repeat as needed until you defeat your first NPC.

Recover From Battle

  • Repair 1 Items
As you battle, your equipment will become damaged and less effective. Keep your gear repaired to keep the best chance of winning battles.
To complete this part of the quest, follow these steps.
  1. Go to any city.
  2. Go to the Blacksmith shop.
  3. Select the item(s) you want repaired and click the green 'Repair Selected' button. Note: You must have a sufficient amount of money to complete this.

  • Use 1 Consumable Items
Consumable Items are used to increase your stamina (heart icon on the status bar) and can also temporarily increase your stats. You need at least 1 stamina to perform any battles, but the less you have, the weaker you'll be. (Stats will drop the lower you go) Keep your stamina up for the best chance of winning battles.
To complete this part of the quest, follow these steps:
  1. Normally, you'll need to buy Consumables from the Tavern, Inn or Wise Women's shop. However, all players start with 1 Old Broth in their inventory. From your character menu on the navbar, select the Inventory link.
  2. Click the Consumables tab.
  3. Select the Old Broth, or another consumable item and click the purple 'Consume Selected' button.

Note: Consumables stay in your system for a set number of turns spent. You can only have 2 items in your system at a time.

Intro To NPC Quests

  • Defeat 5 Trollocs in the Field of Merrilor
NPC Quests are quests that require you to kill a certain number of NPCs in a specified wilderness area.
To complete the quest, follow these steps:
  1. Travel to Field of Merrilor.
  2. Click the "Hunt" button to duel a Trolloc.
  3. After defeating 5 trollocs, go to your quests page and click "submit."

Bonus Tip: In addition to completing an achievement, you'll also get a Leveled Ter'angreal as a reward. It is a good idea to save this item for the next quest.

Inventory and Stamina Management

  • Combine 1 Items with Ter'angreal
Ter'angreal can be used to add or boost stats to your equipment.
To complete this part of the quest, follow these steps:
  1. Go to the Wise Woman in any city.
  2. Select a T'A you wish to combine with an item, and then choose the item.
  3. Click the 'Combine Item' button. Note: If you are combining a T'A with an equipped item, you may exceed your equipment points. This will cause the item in question to become unequipped. Pay attention to the "Are you sure you want to combine the items" pop-up. It will tell you if you are about to make a mistake.
  • Sell 1 Equipment Item
Selling spare items for some quick cash will give you 50% of their value. You will need to do this to make sure there is room in your inventory for new items.
To complete this part of the quest, follow these steps:
  1. Go to any city. Note: You can only sell items in a city.
  2. From the inventory tab of your inventory page, use the check box to select the item(s) you wish to sell.
  3. Then below the list, click the green 'Sell Selected' button.
  • Drop 1 Equipment Item
Dropping useless items is useful when you don't want to waste time or stamina going to a city, but need room in your inventory.
To complete this part of the quest, follow these steps:
  1. Go to any wilderness. Note: You can only drop items in a wilderness area.
  2. From the inventory tab of your inventory page, use the check box to select the item(s) you wish to drop.
    1. Then below the list, click the red 'Drop Selected' button.
  • Rent 1 Room from an Inn
Staying at an Inn will increase your stamina without using consumables.
To complete this part of the Quest, follow these steps:
  1. Go to the Inn in any city.
  2. Click the 'Rent' button to take a room. Note: You must have enough cash to do this.

Intro to Horde Quests

  • Defeat the group of Bandits in Aryth Ocean.
Horde Quests are similar to the Random Hordes that show up occasionally. However, these will only be seen and killed by you, and will behave just like a regular battle.
To complete this quest, follow these steps:
  1. Travel to Aryth Ocean.
  2. Click the 'Hunt' button to run a battle against the horde.
  3. Repeat until the horde is dead. Bonus Tip: You can refresh the page, or click the Serpent eating its tail logo in the center of the battle page to run another battle against Hordes and NPCs.
  4. Go to your tutorial quests page and click the 'submit' button.

Intro to Escort Quests

  • Escort the Green Man from Mayene to his destination
Escort Quests are a good way to earn a little extra coin.
To complete this quest, follow these steps.
  1. Travel to the city of Mayene.
  2. Then use the Travel menu of the navbar to select the 'Escort the Green Man' option. This will automatically take you to the next area of the quest.
  3. Now you will have to defend the Green Man. Use the Travel menu again to select the Defend option. This will run a battle against an NPC. You must win 1 more time than the NPC, so if you don't win the first time, you'll have to win the next two to move on. If you don't win one of those, you'll still have to win 2 more and so on.
  4. Once you defeat them, continue on to the next step by using the Travel menu again and selecting the next Escort option to a city. If you need to repair your gear or recover stamina, now is a good time.
  5. Continue on like this until you arrive in the city he wants to go.
  6. Go to your quest page and click 'submit.'

Give Tasks to Others

  • Create 1 Quest
There are a few different kind of player created quests.
To complete this quest, follow these steps:
  1. Go to any city.
  2. From your quest page, click the Create a Quest tab.
  3. Fill out the quest creation form and click 'Create Quest.'
  4. Go to your tutorial quest page and click 'submit.'

Intro to Find Quests

  • Find and defeat the Green Man's Soldier in Braem Wood.
Find Quests are quests where you have to go to a specific wilderness and kill a specific target.
To complete this quest, follow these steps:
  1. Travel to Braem Wood.
  2. You can then click explore until you find the Green man's Soldier, however, it is much easier to just use the 5x5 grid that is on the wilderness area's picture. These grids are also used for Estates. If you search the grid in an easy to remember pattern, you'll eventually find the target. Also, if you lose the fight, the target will remain in the same grid.
  3. After you defeat the Soldier, return to your quest page and click 'submit.'

Bonus Tip: You should get multiple find quests for the same area, and do all of them at once, so you won't use more than 25 turns to complete them.

Bonus Bonus Tip: You will recieve a Sword for completing this quest, you should consider saving it for your next quest.

Intro to Item Quests

  • Bring 1 Swords (Any prefix or suffix) to Illian
Item Quests are the best way to make money in the game.
To complete the quest, follow these steps:
  1. When you have a spare Sword in your inventory, travel to Illian.
  2. Go to your quest page and click 'submit'.
  3. This will open a list of all the items in your inventory that meet the requirements for the quest. Select the one you want, and click 'submit' again.

Bonus Tip: If you increase the value of the item by adding Ter'angreal to the items being submitted, you'll make more money.

Final Test

  • Defeat Green Man 1 time to collect the bounty.
That's right! Come get some. Duels against other players are a great way to gain experience and Ji.
To complete this quest, follow these steps:
  1. Find the Green Man. There are a couple ways to do that. First, and easiest, would be to find his profile by searching the player ranks.
  2. From the World menu of the navbar, click the All players Link. Find the Green Man's name and click it to open his profile.
  3. Then, in the upper left of his profile, it will say where he is in the world. Go to the Ways and set your destination for there.
  4. When you get there, click the Nearby Players link from the World menu on the navbar. Next to the Green Man's name there will be a 'Duel' link. Click it and see what happens.
  5. After you defeat him, return to the quest page and click submit.

This completes the Battle track of the tutorial quests. If you have any other questions, feel free to contact the Green Man in-game.

Updated for v17